Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wildlife in Yellowstone

Yosemite and Yellowstone generally vie for the status of the best (perhaps they mean most popular or most magnificent or beautiful) national park in the US. I hate to admit it, but I've now changed sides to support Yellowstone on this.

Apart from its huge size (spanning three states) and the variety of nature that one sees here, there is also the number of species of wildlife that one can spot here. Whilst we did hear a bear in Yosemite - where sightings are still very common - we didn't get to see any real wildlife there. And so we didn't really expect to spot any wildlife in Yellowstone, either. 

And we were pleasantly surprised to be contradicted.

First, there was the friendly bison. Bison seem to be all over the place, and generally quite comfortable with humans around, although the park authorities keep trying to impress on people that they have gored people in the park.

Then there was the marmot. Easy to miss.

We also saw a ground squirrel - looks like the Indian 'Ramar anil' but quite smaller. 

The ravens at YNP were so big, I thought they might have been a third my size.

I also managed to capture on camera two poor little ducklings weathering the rapids in Yellowstone River. 

Saving the best for last, we saw a couple of stags/mule deer, from up close. We got some good pictures too!

We also saw a pronghorn, but we drove by too fast and there was no space to stop and get a closer look or take a photo. :( I also didn't get to see any wolves, coyotes or bears. Better luck next time I hope!

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