Saturday, July 5, 2014

There and back again – The End.

Everything that has a beginning has an end. And so has our trip ended with 3,000 miles of road adventures, etched into our collective memories. Before getting into the narration of our last leg, let me digress a tad bit to bring in my perspective of the trip. At the outset, I was pretty convinced that the only way one can explore the New World (aka the US) is by road. I stand to hold that view at the close of the trip as well. We managed to cover a fair bit of ground in the last 10 days, soaking in as much of the grandeur of nature as there was to offer. The stunning and endless vistas of mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, lakes and waterfalls needs to be experienced.  Words can only say so much.  We also did pit stops at a couple of cities, getting a flavor of the culture and the people there.  The stops provided a much needed break from an otherwise continuous journey on the road. All said and done, we are now home, with a sense of purposeful accomplishment.

As H mentioned in the last post, the plan was to stopover at Mt. Shastha on the way back home.   In the end, we did not go all the way up the mountain for various reasons (primarily because both of us were beginning to feel a little weary and exhausted). We however managed to stop by and take a few snaps of the mountain, on our way back. I leave you with that image below as the final one from this trip. Hopefully, we can continue to tell our tale when we undertake more trips in the future.  Until then, Adios!

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