Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Epic Road Trip - Gearing Up

So tomorrow is the day we leave for our epic road trip. Why is it epic? Because I say so!

I've never been a great fan of road trips. For one thing, I tend to have motion sickness/nausea over long drives. For another, I invariably feel tired out after a day sitting cramped in a car. There is also the significant fact that I don't drive. It's always been someone else driving, me navigating or trying not to sleep or trying to ignore the churning of my stomach.

One fact remains, though, that the best way to really see places is by driving around. (Of course, technically, the best way to go sightseeing is on foot - and I have done that in some cities, and really liked it. It's just not feasible to always go sightseeing on foot though. Some cities are small enough, most of them are huge.) Especially vast areas, like the US, for example.

And so, having stumbled into the United States most unexpectedly, we must make the most of this brilliant opportunity. We've now visited a couple of places within California, and between us we've been to a few others. But it's now time to embark on a larger trip, covering more ground and seeing more interesting places and (hopefully) doing interesting things. 

So having decided to go on a road trip, the next important thing was to decide where, and for how long. This didn't take as long as I might have expected it to, but it took a while. But here we are now! We leave tomorrow evening to Reno, and intend to drive in/through Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho (again), Oregon and California - all over the next ten days. 

My ambitious plan is to keep posting about our travels, every day, along with photos and whatnot. I can only hope that I stick to it! :)

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