Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Chronicles Begin: Day 1

And finally, the day of the trip arrived! 

We had slowly postponed packing hour after hour, evening to morning to evening, and finally reached a point when it could be postponed no more. But being the experienced and thoughtful packer that I am (*cough! cough!), I had everything organised and put together in under two hours! 

So we left home at around 4 pm, on the ostensibly four-hour drive to Reno. We unfortunately got stuck in a lot of traffic, and we'd left the water and snacks in the boot, to boot. It took us nearly three hours to get to a place which we should have reached in half the time! But the skies were clear and the sights were pretty...and we held up. Or should I say Sumanth, being the super driver that he is, held up well. 

This was also an opportunity for us to make a pitstop at Davis (boasting the University of California, Davis). We unwittingly got off the freeway near some downtown-ish area, with cute little eateries and boutiques. It even had a restaurant named "Pacha Mama!" I wanted to take a picture, but didn't want to be *that tourist* clicking everything. Some delicious dinner later (Andhra style yummy dosas, kadala chutney and onion chutney, followed by a huge and yummy cookie), we got back on the route, which by now had cleared up a bit. 

More long roads and pretty sights later, after crossing a section of the Sierra mountains between California and Nevada (it was too dark to take pictures), we finally reached our destination, Reno, post 10.

The hotel is pretty and picturesque. Pictures and more travelogues on that tomorrow! :)

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