Friday, December 5, 2014

...And Back!

There and back again: A tale of two hobbits. I don't know about S, but I certainly feel hobbit-like. I have the height (or rather, lack of it), stoutness and large feet for it, in any case.

I really have begun to ramble, haven't I?

I would normally not have made a separate post on just the drive back. But this drive reinforced for us our usual approach to holidays: don't travel when everyone is travelling. A journey that should have taken us about 8 hours, took us over 12! There was so much traffic on the road! It took us longer to get to Los Angeles, from San Diego, than we expected. After a fuel stop, we continued, and unfortunately, the most important/quickest freeway between Los Angeles and San Francisco is, for the most part, a four-lane road. By that, I mean two lanes each direction. What with the holiday traffic, that just wasn't enough. We got stuck in a long stretch, in slow, bumper-to-bumper traffic.

After that, I came up with the idea of exiting the main freeway and driving through some State highways to catch up elsewhere. It seemed like a good idea at the point, and not too much of a detour. We didn't have any connectivity there though, so we couldn't tell how much of a detour it really was. And so we took off. By the time we merged with our correct route again, we would have driven an additional 40-50 miles, at the least. While I did think initially that there was at least a time saving there, on reflection, I wasn't too sure. But we did get to drive by large tracts of farm land, with no traffic, and I think that was possibly better.

Maybe it makes sense to stick with the road afterall? Who can tell? Only hindsight is 20/20!

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